Dear Subscribers and Fans… Lol
Just a short update today as we head towards the end of the year. My book is 80% in the final draft. I just need to finely tune the last few chapters. I am wrestling with some of the words. It’s as challenging as any of the physical challenges I’ve done.
Today I spent eight hours inside Dorchester Library. The libraries are the best kind of writing environment for me. It’s quiet, you’re surrounded by books and also by people working on their own personal projects. It inspires you to keep working.
As well as that I have now synchronised all of my social media pages to Af Marseh. It’s strange to take such a long time to decide on a name. Your own name at that.
I’d appreciate all the follows, likes shares onto my new instagram, twitter and tiktok pages @AfMarseh
Three weeks ago I applied to ten top agents through my writing coach Jacquie. We have had one ‘This one’s not for me’ rejection so far, but I was fine with that to be honest. One of the agents is that of Ben Fogles. I’d love that connection. I can see it now. Ben and Af New Lives in the Wild. Fogle and Af on their wild adventures. A dream!
If the agents don’t work out then I am working behind the scenes to self-publish in March 2023. I need all the support and love to get this out as far as possible.
With that please ask your friends, families and colleagues to subscribe to my website (by entering your email into the box on the top right of the home page) and follow my socials.
Once the book has been released I’d like to take it on a public speaking/ stand up comedy tour to really give it the personal feel.
Thanks for reading and see you next week
Af x

Fantastic mate! Can’t wait to read it and to see you on tour 🙂